Saturday, November 27, 2010


For me as a future teacher someday the best way that i can applied it is through my course like compter,i can use computer to have my test paper, in easily computing the grades of my future pupils or make a slide show to have a presentation which can make the pupils not bored in always having an ordinary discussion, not just computer but also TV and radio through this machines i will know if theres a virus or a pruduct that just discover earlier that can harm to the health to children and from it also i may know on how to prevent it and by then I can teach my future pupils how to prevent from those harmful things.


I have learn that educational technology is not just talk about machines like TV in our home, computer in the cafeteria, cellphones and different gadget that we have but educational technology talk about on how can we applied technology to our life and to the career that we choose. it teach us how to use by its process and to have a good output like what stated "educational technology is not just machines but its a planned, systematic method to achieved planned outcomes. 
